“SEO Tutorial” Tips #3: 5 Simple Tricks SEO to Increase Your Website Ranking

Now, in the third post on this blog, I will share about Tips #3 on "SEO Tutorial" entitled: 5 Simple Tricks SEO to Increase Your Website Ranking. Read on this article until You really understand, what I mean.
The Owner of small business has a difficult life. Not have enough cash for promoting their Web or for hired SEO Service provider, the owner of small business always make their own method for make their Web can presenting something that can make the visitors interested to visit their Web. I will show you a few steps that you can do for make your Web get higher rank in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. I will teach you some SEO techniques. This is not a hard SEO Technique, but this is just using simple tricks, that you can do it right now for get higher rank and get much money than before.
  • Do Something To Make Your  Web Become a “Simple To Read Web”

You must know what I want to explain! All of flashing lights, a thousand of colored word and banners that make your visitors get the information that really their want. Don’t make your Web be complicated! Just using simple things, but can attracting and get your visitor’s attention. Use a simple font to your Web like Trebuchet Ms., Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Give Your Priority to the Simplicity of Your Sales Script in Your Web

Many visitors want to read everything about your business that you’re operating now. Doo content writer must have a skill to explain to your visitor about what you have on your Web just by using a simple sentence. In simple words, it’s better to your Web Page if that page just have 300 Words than a page that have 2000 words. But, that page must kept on the detailed section and have a connection with your sales page. The main motive of a sales page is for influence your visitor to buy your product, not to confuse them.
  • Add a Photo in Your Web

 “A Photo better than 1000 Words”. Maybe this word always we heard. With adding a photo in your product or to your worker that doing your services is a Good way and have a positive impact for your Web Ranking and your sales too.
But, you maybe repeatedly ask, why like that? The answer is with adding “ALT TEXT” to each pictures will drive an extra traffic for your Web Page. On WordPress, if you want to upload photo, you can adding a “Caption” or “ALT TAG” in that photo.
For the other Content Management System or CMS, the process is same.
  • Don’t Forget To Adding Social Media Plugin in Your Website

In a last few years, social media become very popular! And if you aren’t trying to promote your Web to social Media to interest your visitors, you will lose the chance to be success in SEO! Than sending a mail to your subscribers with an average cost about 1,00$/person/mail, it’s better to interest your visitors in a social media like Twitter,  Facebook, Google+ and other social media.
Just one time you get the “Like” from your visitors, and your mail will send in a flash to them automatically, and that’s free too. Yeah! This is a free advertising.
Anything social media that you used, try to give your priority on your first hour in the morning for social media. Just share an interesting story about your product or writing a new update of your product in Facebook, Google+, or Twitter and send.
That it's 5 Simple Tricks SEO to Increase Your Website Ranking . Don't forget to continue to follow the development of this blog, because I will share about "SEO Tutorial" everyday in here. Absolutely, free. Thank's for reading this article and Good Bye !!
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